Since the product is automatically registered once you activate the license, there is no need for separate registration.
To remove any item in your shopping cart, select the shopping bag at the top right corner of the page. This will display a drop-down list of the item(s) in your cart. To the right of the quantity, you will find two icons, one pencil and one X. Clicking the X icon will remove the item from the shopping cart. You can also select the View/Edit Cart option at the bottom of the drop-down to make further edits.
To change the quantity of any item in your shopping cart, select the shopping bag at the top right corner of the page. This will display a drop-down list of the item(s) in your cart. To the right of the quantity, you will find a text box with the number of quantity in your cart. Highlight the number with y our mouse and change to the quantity you desired. You can also select the View/Edit Cart option at the bottom of the drop-down to make further edits.
If you have placed your order after July 1, 2018 and you created an account on our site, you can login to access your available downloads. To login, click the Sign In option at the top of the page. Navigate to the My Downloadable Products and click the download to begin. It may appear as either Windows or Macintosh.
Yes, you can purchase the DVD in Sleeve version of a product. Currently, Burn on Demand and DVD in Sleeve are only available for customers in the United States.
Unfortunately at this time our site is for individual purchases. We do not have the option to exempt tax on your order.
When an order is placed, the order is immediately processed for payment. Where we cannot technically cancel the order, we do offer a 30-day money back guarantee for purchases made directly with our company. If you are not completely satisfied, please submit a ticket at requesting instruction to obtain a refund if within the 30-day guarantee range. Please be sure to provide your order number, your name, and your email address. We will then email you instructions on how to obtain a refund.
Please submit a ticket at or call 1-800-395-0277 to speak to a live person.
You can place your order as a guest on our website. If you decide to create an account later, you can certainly do so as well. To order as a guest, add the items to your shopping cart and select the checkout option. Enter your email address in the email address box field. Be sure to provide a correct address as we email you the download instructions and order confirmation in one email. As a guest, this is how you will obtain your merchandise. Also select your payment method and enter the necessary information. Once complete, you can click the Place Order option. You should immediately receive an email with your download instructions. If you did not find the email in your inbox, you should check your spam/junk mail folder to see if your email provider placed it there. If you have any further issues with the order process, feel free to contact us.
When you purchase a download product from our store, you may attempt to download the software to your computer within 90 days or 3 download attempts. Download Insurance extends the time in which you may download to 1 year. This service allows you the flexibility to reinstall your software if you decide to replace your PC or Mac, and also provides the security that your download will be accessible if your PC or Mac is damaged or stolen. It is suggested that you backup your installation file to a writable media such as a USB Flash Drive or blank DVD-R if possible. Should you not have purchased download insurance, a fee of $9.99 will be assessed to replace the download.
Encore now ships physical products internationally by the US Postal Service (USPS). Depending upon where the shipment is being made to, your order may take up to 3 weeks to arrive. USPS orders are not trackable.